Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Water in, Water out

First of all, Major flooding here. Really serious flooding.
Abridged version:
Record Snowfalls in the Dakotas resulted in Gavin's Point Dam in Yankton, SD overfull to the point of breaking and they opened the floodgates fully over the course of a month or so.
As a result, unprecedented amounts of water hits the Missouri river and the mighty Mo just cannot take it and overflows in a most hideous way. And this overflow will continue probably until August but no one really knows. Considering we've had torrential storms and rain for the last 2 days, I guess it will be a little worse now.
Impact to the build: Nothing (I feel guilty even writing this). We are spring fed and the only interaction our spring has is when the creek it feeds into eventually dumps into the Mo someplace far from our house.
Our spring continues to chug out it's bone-chilling water at the same rate, (5 gal / minute) and when I say bone-chilling I can't say bone-chilling enough. You simply cannot keep your hand in it for longer than maybe 10 seconds without the bones in your hand aching as it goes numb.
Wonderful though, having a water source like that.  And no flooding.

The septic system is in pending the inspection. My darling husband decided he could save money putting the septic in himself and off he went. And it all went something like this: First, the truck broke down and lost a leaf spring. My Xterra has no hitch. We have flooding (as I think I already mentioned) and everything you can imagine that has anything to do with heavy equipment is rented but we end up getting a uhaul, yes, yes that's right, a uhaul, and haul some beat up looking cat out to our land. Our land is on a hill. One hour or so into the digging and I (who by this time is inside the house, up in what will be my art studio, slapping on a coat of paint), hear a strange sort of muffled "OH MY GOD" coming from outside.
   I immediately rush for the stairs expecting the worst, and what I find is the cat on it's side and dave walking very quickly around in circles, shaking his right leg. Yes, he was ejected. He claims he saw the roof of our house for a brief moment as he was catapulted through the air and came vaulting down directly for the septic channels and he did some sort of tuck and twist to save himself (if you knew Dave you'd know how likely that is to have happened exactly that way)... except that he landed with one knee twisted behind him.

Hospital? don't be foolish. When I skewered my food on a metal plate last year through my shoe and had a river of blood (I kid you not, a river), running from my food, Dave wrapped it in saran wrap, drove me home and cleaned the wound himself, telling me "it's a mere flesh wound". (PS I still have strange sensation in that part of the bottom of my foot and I went onto limp for about 4 months but who's counting).

This all happened by the way about 5 days ago. Yes he's still limping and has alot of pain, which
he is controlling wtih pain meds and rediscovering the amazing healing properties of Jack Daniels.

Dogs don't work.
Dog's don't work take 2.
I have become a late night lurker.  I seldom go to bed now before 2am. Also, there are some really strange noises out on the land, the wind, who knew that the wind sounds like all sorts of things (sometimes screams even). I lay in bed last night telling Dave all the slasher/horror scenarios that go through my mind when I'm out there.
"Jesus. You're creeping me out. Are you afraid to live there?" he asked me, looking a little worried.
"Really afraid?"
"Yes. I keep on seeing things out in the darkness and I imagine the worst. Horrible stuff. Scary, undead stuff . Figures out in the storms, just standing there, off in the fields, staring....".
"Do you not want to live out there now?" (looking at me worriedly again)
I looked at him and smiled. "I think my paintings will be darker than I thought". (oh, he has no idea)....
"Ah..." He smiled too.
I really do imagine all sorts of horrible things, the howling wind, the lightning storms under those huge skies and it is so so so dark out there probably doesnt help things. I should have never read so many horror books or watched so many creepy movies, I'm paying for it now.

The most AMAZING lightning storm the other night. I have never seen anything like it. 8, 9. 10 flashes of lightning at a time, going horizontally across the sky, loops of lightning bending back up to the sky, and clouds so huge and swirling it really was like a scene out of War of the Worlds and I mean the Tom Cruise version which had those magnificent storm effects.
Dave, Amber, the 4 dogs and I sat out on the front porch and watched the lightning in amazement for over an hour, that and the lightning bugs (and there were literally thousands of them out across the fields, as far as the eye could see). Gorgeous. No one else sees this view, because no one else faces into this valley but us so it's like a private little show of glorious lights.  Just the sound of the frogs, crickets and the yipping of the coyotes across the hill as they set off on their nightly hunt.

It is really freaking hot out. And we're both sort of getting tired of this build. And we haven't even started dry-walling yet. But no flooding so I should be grateful right?

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